Cover Calibrating your new MON1800

Calibrating your new MON1800: A Quick Guide

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Written by Daddy Cappuccino

3-minute read

We’ve previously sung praises for the Raching MON1800 humidor, that compact and elegant cigar haven. But why did we review it? Because Raching is the go-to brand for climate-controlled humidors, and their MON series is the crème de la crème. Now, let’s cut to the chase.

Recently, a beloved customer (let’s call him Sir Puffington) reached out. He’d just unboxed his MON1800 and wondered, “How do I adjust these built-in hygrometers to match my trusty calibrated ones?” Inspired by Sir Puffington’s curiosity, we decided to create a quick guide that applies not only to the MON1800 but to every humidor in the MON series.

This is a simple yet far from intuitive process, so buckle up—we’re about to fine-tune those humidity levels like maestros tuning their violins.


Table of Contents:


1. Why Perfect Humidity Control Matters

For cigar enthusiasts, humidity isn't just a number—it's the secret sauce that elevates your smoking experience. Let's break it down:

  • Flavor Preservation: Cigars are like fine wines. Their flavors evolve over time, and maintaining the right humidity ensures they mature gracefully.
  • Aroma Harmony: Ever savor a cigar with perfectly balanced notes? That's the magic of precise humidity levels. Too dry, and it's like a bland melody; too damp, and it's a cacophony.
  • Texture and Combustion: A well-humidified cigar burns evenly, revealing layers of complexity. Dry cigars? They're like a poorly tuned instrument—off-key and disappointing.

So, fellow aficionados, let's aim for that sweet spot—around 65-70% relative humidity. It's the golden zone where cigars thrive (although it can be adjusted to match your personal preference or the type of cigar you are curating).


MON1800A - Golden

MON1800A - Golden

MON1800A - Black

MON1800A - Black

MON1800A - Carbon Fiber

MON1800A - Carbon Fiber

2. Calibrating the Built-In Hygrometers

Now that we know the importance of precisely controlled relative humidity levels, let’s ensure our humidor is measuring to perfection. At times, relative humidity measurements from the built-in hygrometers in your MON series humidor may be slightly off from the factory when compared to your already calibrated and reliable hygrometers. Fear not! You can easily offset their displayed values to your preference.

MON1800 LCD Screen

For the shake of this example, let's assume your brand new MON series humidor is measuring 3% higher than your calibrated hygrometers. Direct your attention to the LCD multi-touch screen. We will access parameters C5, C6, C7, C8 and C9 and offset their value. Here’s how:

  1. Begin by pressing and holding the minus key for 6 seconds until “ON” appears (if the display shows “OFF,” simply press the minus key repeatedly for 6 seconds until “ON” appears).
  2. Long-press the set up button until parameter R1 graces the screen.
  3. Use the plus sign to cycle through parameters R2, R3, R4, and so forth, until you reach C5.
  4. Lock in your adjustment by pressing the set up button.
  5. Modify C5 to -3 using the plus/minus key.
  6. Repeat the process for C6, C7, C8, and C9.


3. Conclusion

In our journey through this adjustment process, we’ve explored the art of maintaining precise humidity levels. Remember, even a brand-new MON series humidor might arrive with slightly offset hygrometer measurements. But fear not! These small calibrations are no big issue. By accessing the LCD multitouch screen and fine-tuning parameters, you’ll have your cigars basking in optimal conditions.

So, fellow aficionados, embrace the delicate dance of calibration. Your cigars will thank you with every fragrant puff.

🍻 Until next article, may your humidor be harmonious and your smokes sublime!

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